Our materials are dyed with swiss chrome AZO harmful chemi

cal free dyes or vegetable dyes depends on your requirements or a hue of the colors. Our dyeing process starts from 2 major steps which we believe is the most important on dyeing process. (I) Warm water washing of the materials before dyeing and (II) Dyeing a small sample tuft before to confirm the accuracy of the required colors.
(I) Warm water washing process is done to wool, silk or other materials to get rid of any unwanted substance like dust, oil or any other unwanted fibers. This process makes the yarns clean and makes ready to absorb the dyes with great intensity which makes the yarn very vibrant and shiny colors.
(II) Dyeing of a small sample tuft or pom is carried out by our dyeing master to ensure the colors accuracy and to retrieve the color formula, the same formula is used on dyeing a bigger batch of hanks. A color sample tuft will be checked by our management and sign it which instruct our dyeing team to go forward on dyeing a bigger lot.
Once a color sample tuft is approved from our professionals we start a dyeing process. A dyeing is done manually in a big or small pots depends on the volume of the materials. A pot is heated by burning a gas stoves or wood, we start dyeing from low temperature slowly till it gets to 90-95 degree centigrade which takes about 3-4 hours to cook properly.
Once a dyeing process is complete we dry the hanks naturally in open area with plenty of direct sunlight and fresh air which helps to get more shine and vibrant colors.

Swiss chrome dyes we use are made in Switzerland, it is one of the best metal free dyes which do not out gas while walking on the rugs. Swiss chrome dyes have been used from many years without any known negative health impact. We are very concern about eco friendly and health impact so we never compromise on our quality. Besides health and environmental issues our dyes are very color fast and vibrant.
Vegetable dyes we use are 100% natural dyes from plant and mineral source like Walnut, Rheum Australe, Indigo, Madder root, pomegranate peel, Henna leaves, weld, Hollyhock flower, Gallnuts etc, these vegetables are combined together to get different colors. The best thing about vegetable dyeing is a natural abstract color characteristic and 100% eco friendly. vegetable dye is bad on color accuracy so the colors may not match exactly like requirements.
Color communication:
Communicating colors with our clients is a vital process of rugs production. We use ARS color system to communicate the colors. We have ARS 1200 wool color box, ARS 600 wool color box, ARS viscose 700 box, Pantone home and fashion color card, Pantone Formula guide coated, un-coated and matte. We can also match colors from your sent colors samples in any form like fabric swatch, papers, tufts etc..
We can also create custom color pom kits, please
click here to learn more about custom color pom box.